Get Back OpenStack Instances State after Host Reboot

Pernah gak ngalamin node Compute reboot? baik disengaja maupun tidak, lalu semua Instances OpenStack di dalamnya statusnya berubah jadi SHUTOFF dan kita mesti start atau sesuaikan state-nya secara manual 😀 mungkin masalah yang kalian alami sama, yaitu belum mengaktifkan opsi ini di konfigurasi Nova

# This option specifies whether to start guests that were running before the
# host rebooted. It ensures that all of the instances on a Nova compute node
# resume their state each time the compute node boots or restarts.
# (boolean value)

Lalu bagaimana agar state Instances kembali menjadi sediakala sebelum host Compute direboot, cukup aktifkan opsi ini

vim /etc/nova/nova.conf


Setelah itu muat ulang services Nova

systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute
systemctl sttus openstack-nova-compute

Uji coba, cek uptime dan list Instances OpenStack untuk mengetahui state awal

[root@openstack]# uptime; openstack server list
 12:50:57 up 35 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.55, 0.90, 1.10
| ID                                   | Name     | Status    | Networks             | Image                    | Flavor  |
| fdd0bb76-3581-44b3-a275-49198cab4e69 | cirros-3 | SHUTOFF   | net-ext= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 396d50fd-c919-4a89-a4f6-99cb7ea82937 | cirros-1 | ACTIVE    | net-ext= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| c00c4b70-168a-4e91-a77f-fc701344fe35 | cirros-2 | SUSPENDED | net-ext= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |

Selanjutnya, coba reboot node Compute dan cek Instances kalian kembali

[root@openstack]# uptime; openstack server list
 12:59:31 up 3 min,  1 user,  load average: 6.64, 5.49, 2.35
| ID                                   | Name     | Status    | Networks             | Image                    | Flavor  |
| fdd0bb76-3581-44b3-a275-49198cab4e69 | cirros-3 | SHUTOFF   | net-ext= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 396d50fd-c919-4a89-a4f6-99cb7ea82937 | cirros-1 | ACTIVE    | net-ext= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| c00c4b70-168a-4e91-a77f-fc701344fe35 | cirros-2 | SUSPENDED | net-ext= | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |

Sekian dan Terima kasih
